3D Printing & Future Technologies

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3D Printing & Future Technologies Shaping Design

A discussion and interactive workshop with three leading industry practitioners who will show you how they utilise 3D printing and rapid prototyping technologies in their work and explore how they see the future of design, manufacturing and construction evolving with the rapid pace of technology.

Topics will include:

  • The use of rapid prototyping for hybrid manufacturing by incorporating new technologies with traditional craft and industrial manufacturing processes.
  • How larger rapid prototyping machines in combination with carbon fibre wrapping will change the way designers and architects design, produce and use functional, full scale parts.
  • How the rapid changes of the technologies are developing into new equipment and what this will mean for designers, manufacturers and consumers.


Andrew Simpson

Andrew is the founder and director of Vert Design and has designed products from the intimately hand-crafted through to mass-produced industrial products. Andrew’s experimental approach to the process edge of making has led to a great diversity of design leading to several innovations including the development of sustainable materials made from waste. His work has appeared in over 20 exhibitions in Australia, Europe, North America and Asia.

Dr. Matthias Hank Haeusler

Dr. M. Hank Haeusler is Discipline Director of Computational Design at Australian School of Architecture + Design at the University of New South Wales; board member of the Media Architecture Institute and renowned as a researcher, educator, entrepreneur and designer in media architecture and responsive transport throughout over 40 publications.

Mitchell Beness

Mitchell Beness is the APAC Channel Manager for 3D Systems, one of the leading providers of 3D products and services, including 3D printers, print materials, on-demand parts services and digital design tools. His work transfers knowledge to partners and customers of the complete 3D printing technology portfolio and uses industry based knowledge to discover and validate new applications for these technologies.

Nicholas Karlovasitis FDIA - Moderator / Host

Nick Karlovasitis is an industrial designer, a Fellow of the Design Institute of Australia and a DIA NSW Councillor. He co-founded DesignByThem with industrial designer Sarah Gibson, to produce and showcase the work of local designers in Australia and abroad.  Nick strongly believes in education, collaboration and sustainability, and is a frequent speaker at universities and design events around Australia.


*Booking and transaction fees may apply

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